Adorable people (hand-tinted from family photos) plus an array of wings in various sizes to make your own fairies. PLUS some “Faerie Specimen” tags and catalog stickers (also in various sizes).
Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Nichola Battilana.
Captured Faerie Specimen by Design Team Member Nichola Battilana; other components in Nichola’s artwork.
See above for larger photos.
Winged Things Collage Sheet fairies children tags butterflies butterfly 130407nbd 130417nff 180809KB Nichola Battilana 130428nbsw 130530nfb 130623tcs1 130627kbl 210221KO 130706twp fairy 160317BTS 160317TMG 160324MHR 160327SFB 220109SC 160605SC FRS 210328SC 200524RT 200112SC 210221KB